Д. Эверит

Подводные лодки типа `К`

В своей книге Д.Эверит описывает подводные лодки типа `К`. Созданные в 1915 г., они были самыми быстроходными, их называли подводными истребителями. Однако, несмотря на передовые для своего времени технические проекты этих подлодок, их постоянно...

Seth Hammer

Investments and Taxes: A Practical Guide for Financial Advisors

Designed for financial advisors, Investments and Taxes describes the tax issues associated with different investment vehicles and explains how an advisor can maximize a client's after-tax returns. Specific topics covered in the book include: ...

Dorothy Pitman Hughes

Wake Up and Smell the Dollars! Whose Inner-City Is This Anyway!: One Woman's Struggle Against Sexism, Classism, Racism, Gentrification, and the Empowerment Zone

This powerful and timely book reveals the national plan for gentrification, the real purpose of the Empowerment Zones and the loss of the inner cities. This new bestseller "Wake Up and Smell the Dollars! Whose Inner City Is This Anyway!"...

Mari Sako

Prices, Quality and Trust: Inter-Firm Relations in Britain and Japan (Cambridge Studies in Management, No 18)

Long-term, close trading relations based on trust have come to be regarded as a key to the management of buyer-supplier relations in industry, while the arm's length and adversarial commercial bargain has fallen out of favor. This book examines...

John Mariotti

The Shape Shifters: Continuous Change for Competitive Advantage

The Shape Shifters Continuous Change For Competitive Advantage John L. Mariotti Only by developing a core that shifts constantly to deliver best value to customers will your company survive and succeed in the coming era of breathtaking change. In...

<<<  Криминология. В учебнике на основе современных подходов ...             Philip McCann. Urban and Regional Economics >>>

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Мегафон Волшебный сундучок. Сказки народов Европы. Почта.ру Виталий Зайченко. Азбука мудрости Марсельского Таро. Мегафон Stephen P. Robbins, David A. DeCenzo. Supervision Today!, Fourth Edition А. П. Чехов. Ионыч (аудиокнига MP3) I MUSICI. NEAPOLITAN SERENA. Исполнитель: I MUSICI Альбом: NEAPOLITAN SERENA Классика. Гершвин / Равель / Сен-Санс / Дворжак (mp3). Почта.ру Л. М. Костина. Интегративная игровая психологическая
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