Miwa Ueda, Ray Yoshimoto, Jodi Bryson

Peach Girl: Change of Heart, Book 8

The first day of school is always full of surprises?especially when Momo shows up with Toji! Kiley pretends to be cool about it while Toji plays the ultimate understanding boyfriend...but it'll be a fight to the bone between the two for Momo's...

Thomas P Edmonds, Frances M McNair, Philip R Olds

Fundamental Financial Accounting Concepts w/Annual Report

Students are often overwhelmed by the amount of information presented in the introductory financial accounting course. By focusing on fundamental concepts in a logical sequence, students are able to fully comprehend the material rather than...

Christopher Breward

Fashioning London: Clothing and the Modern Metropolis

Over the past three centuries, London has established itself as one of the world's most inventive fashion capitals. City life and fashion have always been intertwined, but nowhere has this relationship been more excitingly expressed than on the...

Susan Bright

Art Photography Now

In the previous century, photography helped shape art; in the current one, it has begun to dominate it. Not only are major international museums and galleries mounting blockbuster exhibitions, but art photographers are also being celebrated as...

Gerard Taylor

Capoeira Conditioning: How to Build Strength, Agility, and Cardiovascular Fitness Using Capoeira Movements

The popularity of capoeira continues to rise as more people discover how useful ? and fun ? it can be for increasing agility and flexibility, as well as strength and endurance. Capoeira Conditioning is an illustrated guide to...

<<<  Артем Лысенко. Остановка - Миссури. 132 дня в американской провинции             Philip McCann. Urban and Regional Economics >>>

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