Laeta Kalogridis, Christopher Shy


Five hundred years before Columbus, barbaric Viking invasions ravaged North America. Pathfinder is the story of a young Viking boy left behind as the only survivor of a shipwrecked expedition. A stranger in a strange land, the boy is raised by a...

Наталия Правдина

Советы для гармоничной и счастливой жизни

Наталия Правдина, которую читатели называют доброй феей богатства и успеха, собрала в книге эффективные советы, посвященные самым важным целям человеческой жизни - успеху, любви, богатству, здоровью и счастью. Удобство издания в том, что вы...

Asa Briggs, Peter Burke

A Social History of the Media: From Gutenberg to the Internet

Written by two leading social and cultural historians, the first edition of A Social History of the Media has become a classic textbook, providing a masterful overview of communication media and of the social and cultural contexts within which they...

Slavoj Zizek

Lacan: The Silent Partners

It is well known that Jacques Lacan developed his ideas in dialogue with major European thought and art, past and present. Yet what if there is another frame of reference, rarely or never mentioned by Lacan, which influenced his thinking, and is...


Pliny: Natural History, Volume V, Books 17-19

The contents of the books are as follows. Book 1: table of contents of the others and of authorities; 2: mathematical and metrological survey of the universe; 3-6: geography and ethnography of the known world; 7: anthropology and the physiology of...

<<<  А. Н. Кайль. Постатейные комментарий к Федеральному закону "Об участии ...             И. Г. Сухин. Новые занимательные материалы. 1-4 классы >>>

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