Doha and Beyond : The Future of the Multilateral Trading System

Book DescriptionBringing together members of the former WTO Director General's advisory group (formed to provide expert advice before and after the Doha Ministerial Conference), nine experts explore issues pertinent to the ongoing progress in...

Tonia M. Sharlach

Provincial Taxation in the Ur III State (Cuneiform Monographs, 26)

Book DescriptionThis volume investigates the relationship between the central government and the provinces during the Ur III period (2112-2004 B.C.). Specifically, the book focuses on one system of taxation known as "bala," or "rotation," so called...

Frederic Drew Bond

Stock Movements and Speculation

Book Description1928. The man who operated a complicated machine does so best when he knows its construction. The present book aims to give the student a scientific knowledge of the factors that alternately enhance and depress stock prices. It also...

Cynthia H. Brock

Windows to Language, Literacy, and Culture (Kids InSight) (Kids Insight)

Book DescriptionThe number of students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds is growing rapidly. This insider?s perspective on the literacy learning process of an English-language learner will encourage you to reflect on your own...

Stan Lee, Roy Thomas, Herb Trimpe, Gerry Conway, Harlan Ellison

Essential Incredible Hulk, Vol. 3

The misunderstood monster's earliest adventures continue as Robert Bruce Banner's rampaging alter ego clashes with Namor the Sub-Mariner, the Fantastic Four, and the Avengers! He fights his share of super-villains, too - including Maximusthe Mad,...

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МСН История Рыцаря. Коллекционное издание. Хит Леджер ("Горбатая Б. Ю. Хигир. Имя, отчество и их влияние на сексуальность Счетчик Рамблер Т. Н. Адамова. Святой дедушка Шарбель Почта Яхо О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева. Английский язык. 1-й год обучения. 5 класс. Новости В. П. Невежин, С. И. Кружилов. Сборник задач по курсу "Экономико-математическое Lisa Kanarek. 101 Home Office Success Secrets Robert M. Young: Essays on the Films. Book DescriptionRobert Young began his История советского драматического театра. В шести томах. Путешествия Кикбоксинг - искусство побеждать. Самые эффективные приемы защиты и нападения. Почта Яхо Программы Discovery: Рим: Сила и величие - Легионы завоевателей. Вакансии Топ
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