Gabriel Kuper, Leonid Libkin, Jan Paredaens

Constraint Databases

This book is the first comprehensive survey of the field of constraint databases, written by leading researchers. Constraint databases are a fairly new and active area of database research. The key idea is that constraints, such as linear or...

Mark Smith

Managing the Internet Controversy (Neal-Schuman NetGuide Series)

The Internet is a two-edged sword for public, academic, and school libraries. Along with unprecedented levels of access to information, it has also brought unprecedented controversy. And, if libraries have received positive publicity for being early...

Rick Leander, Richard S. Wiener

Building Application Servers (SIGS: Advances in Object Technology)

To address new demands in business computing, software vendors are introducing application server toolkits. The concept is to create clusters of low-cost computers that support one specific business area, then connect these clusters to the corporate...

Icon Health Publications

Gingivitis: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Жаклин Сьюзанн

Машина любви

Супербестселлер о славе, сексе, деньгах и тайнах человеческого подсознания. История великолепного мужчины, о котором мечтает каждая женщина, талантливого телерепортера Робина Стоуна. Герои американской писательницы Жаклин Сьюзанн живут в жестком, но...

<<<  Frank H. Knight. Risk, Uncertainty and Profit             Н. Н. Рогалевич. 282 задания для успешной ... >>>

Поиск книг в интернет магазинах.

МТС Susan Bassnett. Sylvia Plath : Second Edition Работа Heidi Schultz. Business Scenarios : A Context-Based Approach to Business Сергей Ключников. Путь к себе. Как пробудить В. Н. Пак. Руслан Пономарев. Путь чемпиона Все о Линукс Настройка, оптимизация, твикинг, моддинг Ю. М. Новоженов. Любителям кулинарного искусства Марина Колобова. Будут внуки: Все опять повторится Роберт Говард. Роберт Говард. Собрание сочинений Ф. М. Достоевский. Братья Карамазовы Вакансии Мировая экономическая мысль. Сквозь призму веков. В 5 томах (комплект из Бесплатный хостинг Вести
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