Cross-Cultural Behaviour in Tourism: concepts and analysis

Cross-Cultural Behaviour in Tourism: Concepts and Analysis is important reading for those in the following areas of industry: * Tourism: illustrates the importance of cultural background in the tourist experience and how it is a major...

Ronald D. Michman, Edward M. Mazze

The Food Industry Wars

How food marketers make use of key variables--such as innovation, target market, market segmentation, image, and physical, environmental, and human resources--will determine how successfully they sell their products. Michman and Mazze concentrate on...

Michelle Eagles

From Heaven to Earth: Soft Landing Your Family Budget:14 Steps to Manage Downsizing Family Finances in Downsizing Times

In 1999, according to IRS data, my family got into the first 5% of American households by income. Surprisingly, we were not rich. We still were uncomfortable about the time when our kids will go to a college, and our retirement plans were far from...

J.E. Parkinson

Corporate Power and Responsibility: Issues in the Theory of Company Law (Clarendon Paperbacks)

In this important new study John Parkinson rejects the theory that the "internal affairs" of corporate organizations should be insulated from regulatory intervention and argues that a function of company law is to promote the public interest. He...

Ann T. Tai, John F. Meyer, Algirdas Avizienis

Software Performability: From Concepts to Applications (Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, 347)

Computers are currently used in a variety of critical applications, including systems for nuclear reactor control, flight control (both aircraft and spacecraft), and air traffic control. Moreover, experience has shown that the dependability of such...

<<<  М. Б. Менский. Группа путей: измерения, поля, частицы             Н. Н. Рогалевич. 282 задания для успешной ... >>>

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