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David Grazian Blue Chicago : The Search for Authenticity in Urban Blues Clubs
Book Description The club is run-down and dimly lit. Onstage, a black singer croons and weeps of heartbreak, fighting back the tears. Wisps of smoke curl through the beam of a single spotlight illuminating the performer. For any music...
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Jeffrey Kishner The Astrology of Film : The Interface of Movies, Myth, and Archetype
Book DescriptionStanley Kubrick establishes a new standard in visionary filmmaking with 2001: A Space Odyssey . An ambitious young director named Spielberg becomes all consumed with making a film about a killer shark and establishes his...
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William Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom!: A Casebook (Casebooks in Criticism)
Book DescriptionAbsalom, Absalom! has long been seen as one of William Faulkner's supreme creations, as well as one of the leading American novels of the twentieth century. In this collection Fred Hobson has brought together eight of the most...
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Arthur Golden Memoirs of a Geisha
Book DescriptionIn this literary tour de force, novelist Arthur Golden enters a remote and shimmeringly exotic world. For the protagonist of this peerlessly observant first novel is Sayuri, one of Japan's most celebrated geisha, a woman who is both...
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Л. Ю. Грудцына Жилье. Наем, покупка, перепланировка, продажа
В справочнике, написанном на основе современного жилищного законодательства, подробно комментируются основные операции с недвижимостью - наем, покупка, перепланировка (переустройство), купля-продажа, ипотека жилья. Издание...
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