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John B. Horrigan, Frances H. Irwin, Elizabeth Cook, Frances H. Irwin, Elizabeth Cook John B. Horrigan Taking a Byte out of Carbon: Electronics Innovations for Climate Protection
Innovative electronic technologies that have brought us into the Information Age could now be the key to addressing one of the greatest environmental challenges of our times-global climate change. Taking a Byte Out of Carbon explains how...
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Wolfgang H. Reinicke Global Public Policy: Governing Without Government?
During the last decade "globalization" has become a fashionable term among policymakers and academics alike. Not one days passes during which the term is not being invoked to legitimize a policy decision, promote a policy prescription, or explain a...
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Akhtar Syed, Afsar Syed Business Continuity Planning Methodology
"An in-depth step-by-step guide to help you develop, test, and maintain your business continuity plan." The business continuity planning process consists of six key stages: 1. Risk management 2. Business impact analysis 3....
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Cathryn Still Crash Course for the GMAT: The Last Minute Guide to Scoring High
10 Simple Steps to a Higher Score - in Less Than 1 Week! If the big test is staring you right in the face and you feel doomed, then here's your last-minute reprieve: a GMAT book designed exclusively for the student who's running out of...
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Н. Бажанов Танеев
В процессе создания книги автором использованы архивные материалы: Рукописные воспоминания современников композитора Ю.Л. Давыдова, С.В. Евсеева и Э.К. Розанова, исследования Вл. Протопопова, В. Иванова-Корсунского, профессора Козьмина, В.А....
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