John O'Shaughnessy, Nicholas Jackson O'Shaughnessy

The Marketing Power of Emotion

How does one choose between a brand name and a generic named product? Why does one choose an item with a slightly lower price than the other? The answer is emotion. The Marketing Power of Emotion, provides a complete, original and anecdote rich...

George Anders

Health Against Wealth

The HMO system is supposed to stop greedy doctors and hospitals from viewing patients as sources of profit. But Health Against Wealth reveals that when you are confronting a medical emergency, the HMO system's cost-saving rules can jeopardize your...

Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman, James S. Quasney

Microsoft Excel 2002 Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques

Part of the highly successful Shelly Cashman Series, Microsoft Excel 2002 Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques provides step-by-step instructions accompanied by full-color screen shots, helping students learn basic through expert-level Excel 2002...

Elizabeth Eisner Reding

Adobe Photoshop 7.0 - Design Professional

Part of the Design Professional Series, this text includes full-coverage of basic through more advanced skills such as how to make Photoshop graphics Web-ready....

Leonard Levin

EasyScript/ComputerScript I (ES I manual, CS software, 1 audio cassette 20-40wpm and ES reference card) Unique Speed Writing, Typing and Transcription Method To Take Fast Notes, Dictation and Transcribe Using Computer

ES/CS I includes 68 page manual/workbook, 1 audio cassettes 20-40wpm, ComputerScript (CS) disk and ES reference card. In addition to taking notes manually, CS software enables you to use the method with a computer. You can enter your abbreviated...

<<<  Willie Henderson, Tony Dudley-Evans, Roger ...             daab publishing. Masako (Compact Books Photo) >>>

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