Eric M. Kashambuzi

Africa's Lost Century - Who Is Responsible?

Provides guidance for African policy-makers and their development partners to meet the challenges of food insecurity, health care and education....

Valentine M. Moghadam

Patriarchy and Economic Development: Women's Positions at the End of the Twentieth Century (Wider Studies in Development Economics)

This work describes the progress and setbacks in the changing position of women and gender relations, linking them to aspects of economic development and state policies. Is patriarchy on the decline, or merely changing its form? How does patriarchy...

Walter R. J. Baets

Organization Learning and Knowledge Technologies in a Dynamic Environment

While theories on `learning organizations' and `knowledge-based companies' have recently emerged, little attention has yet been given either to the underlying structures of these developments, or to the link between these underlying structures and...

Donald Wetmore

KISS Guide to Organizing Your Life (Keep It Simple Series)

The only guide you'll ever need to get more done in less time with less stress. Enjoy an exciting, self-paced journey to a more balanced life at work and at home. Discover how to overcome stumbling blocks to greater personal productivity. Find out...

Andres Senlle

ISO 9000-2000 liderazgo de la nueva calidad

The new international quality standards from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) are presented in detail in this reference manual. Useful for business owners and this manual provides tips on expanding leadership skills and...

<<<  Прически. Как найти своего стилиста - наши советы. ...             Freerk A. Lootsma. Fuzzy Logic for Planning and Decision ... >>>

Поиск книг в интернет магазинах.

Ответы Пэт Уильямс, Джим Дэнни. Человек, создавший "Amway" Наклейки для малышей. Книжка с наклейками для малышей от 4 лет. Почта На суше и на море. 1990. Тридцатый выпуск научно-художественного географического W. S. Maugham. Cakes and Ale or the Skeleton in the Бесплатные объявления У. Болтон. Карманный справочник инженера-метролога Ответы В. Е. Васильева. Дизайн-студия - секреты создания и
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