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Freerk A. Lootsma Fuzzy Logic for Planning and Decision Making (Applied Optimization, Vol. 8)
This book starts with the basic concepts of Fuzzy Logic: the membership function, the intersection and the union of fuzzy sets, fuzzy numbers, and the extension principle underlying the algorithmic operations. Several chapters are devoted to...
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Gordon Jackson Never Scratch a Tiger With a Short Stick: And Other Quotes for Leaders
Quotes for the leader who never stops learning to lead. Anyone in a leadership role will appreciate this book of inspirational quotes. Drawing from the wisdom of several respected leaders, writers, and visionaries, Gordon S. Jackson shares brief...
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Alan Ray Hoxie Buyers and Sellers Real Estate Handbook
This book is a guide to first-time buyers and sellers, alerting them to the pitfalls of the real estate market, by a seasoned 20-year vet of the industry. Includes "how much house can I afford?, " non-traditional financing, how agents mislead...
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Thomas M. Cover, Joy A. Thomas Elements of Information Theory
Synchronization in Digital Communications Volume I Phase-, Frequency-Locked Loops, and Amplitude Control Heinrich Meyr and Gerd Ascheid Volume I provides in-depth coverage of the synchronization function and related topics of digital communications...
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Randall Hyde Write Great Code: Understanding the Machine
If you've asked someone the secret to writing efficient, well-written software, the answer that you've probably gotten is "learn assembly language programming." By learning assembly language programming, you learn how the machine really operates and...
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Atsushi Kondo. Citizenship in a Global World: Comparing
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Джордж Беркли. Джордж Беркли. Сочинения
Ирина Лобановская. Неземная девочка
Бенедикт Андерсон. Воображаемые сообщества
Pink. I'm Not Dead. Пинк - одно из самых ярких явлений
Ю. М. Романенко. Онтология мифа
С. Г. Чойжинимаева. Питание и здоровье
Владимир Высоцкий. Мне есть что спеть
Рэй Лорига. Жулик
Земля. Эта роскошная книга рассказывает о красоте и мощи нашей планеты,
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Эдуард Акопов, Юлий Гусман, Алексей Козуляев. Парк советского
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