Employee Assistance Programs: Wellness/Enhancement Programming

Book DescriptionThe current spiraling and escalating rate of change within the business and working world, fueled by the events as well as those emanating from September 11, 2001, were the impetus and driving force behind the initiative and...

William J. Mckibbin

Isoquantal Capital Modulation: A Harmonic Modeling Approach to Understanding And Managing the Investment Decision

Book DescriptionThe purpose of business is to employ capital factors in such a manner as to generate value for its customers and profits for its owners. To achieve these ends, management must make at least three distinct decisions ? the...

Dan Raviv

Comic Wars: Marvels Battle For Survival

Book Description Embarrassed billionaires tried to keep a lid on this story, but it cried out to be told: how America's greatest comic-book company was driven to the brink of insolvency by warring tycoons and rescued from the abyss by two obscure...

Eric Zork Alan

Stolen Snapshots I am NOT a poet

Book DescriptionStolen Snapshots I am NOT a Poet is a quirky, sexy, sappy and highly illustrated book of performance poetry aimed at the people that hate poetry, yet have some poems hidden inside themselves. And, because it doesnt suck, famous...

Mark Malkasian

Batalic: The Star-Crossed Voyager Chronicle

Book Description"The greater the power the more dangerous the abuse."—Edmond Burke, 1771 "Batalic is a speed, a weapon, absolute power and slang for death!"—Teck Naums, 2130 Teck Naums has been wandering the galaxy in...

<<<  Кэрол Кинси Гоумэн. История с привидениями. Современная сказка о бизнесе             Freerk A. Lootsma. Fuzzy Logic for Planning and Decision ... >>>

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