Валерий Привалихин

Клад адмирала

Бурная история XX века оставила нам немало тайн и легенд. Среди них легенда о так называемом кладе адмирала Колчака. Герои романа Валерия Привалихина расследуют череду загадочных убийств, которые, как впоследствии выясняется, связаны с поисками...

Chris Freeman, Luc Soete, Christopher Freeman

The Economics of Industrial Innovation - 3rd Edition

Technical innovation has moved to center stage in contemporary debates on economic theory and policy, and Chris Freeman and Luc Soete have played a prominent part in these debates. For this new edition of The Economics of Industrial Innovation ...

Kathleen Ann Bergant

Communications Skills for Cosmetologists

Designed to help readers develop successful communication skill, this in-depth resource focuses on areas crucial to the cosmetologist in order to be successful in the increasing competitive field of cosmetology. The unique workbook-style approach...

Peter Kwong

The New Chinatown

Newspapers today are filled with stories of corruption and strife in America's Chinatowns, reversing the popular view of Chinese Americans as a model minority of law-abiding, hard-working people whose diligent children end up in high-tech jobs....

Rosa-Maria Gelpi, Franois Julien-Labruyre, Mn Liam Gavin, Francois Julien-Labruyere

The History of Consumer Credit: Doctrines and Practice

From the early forms of loans to farmers up to present day credit cards, consumer credit has always been part of human life; however, ever since the Bible, controversy has reigned as to its legitimacy. It is the history of this controversy that...

<<<  В. И. Жохов, В. Н. Погодин. Математический тренажер. 3-4 класс             Anthony Shoult, Anthony Shoult. Doing Business with ... >>>

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В. Г. Григорьянц. Антидиета. Правда о диетах и о том, как ими пользоваться Бернар Лекаш. Радан Великолепный Работа Игры QIP.ру Бесплатные объявления Программы Ужение монстров. Дайджест - программа о ловле особо крупных Michael A. Bernstein. The Great Depression : Delayed Recovery and Economic Change Андрей Серов. Ломать - не строить: инструкция по развалу бизнеса
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