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Валерий Привалихин Клад адмирала
Бурная история XX века оставила нам немало тайн и легенд. Среди них легенда о так называемом кладе адмирала Колчака. Герои романа Валерия Привалихина расследуют череду загадочных убийств, которые, как впоследствии выясняется, связаны с поисками...
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Chris Freeman, Luc Soete, Christopher Freeman The Economics of Industrial Innovation - 3rd Edition
Technical innovation has moved to center stage in contemporary debates on economic theory and policy, and Chris Freeman and Luc Soete have played a prominent part in these debates. For this new edition of The Economics of Industrial Innovation ...
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Kathleen Ann Bergant Communications Skills for Cosmetologists
Designed to help readers develop successful communication skill, this in-depth resource focuses on areas crucial to the cosmetologist in order to be successful in the increasing competitive field of cosmetology. The unique workbook-style approach...
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Peter Kwong The New Chinatown
Newspapers today are filled with stories of corruption and strife in America's Chinatowns, reversing the popular view of Chinese Americans as a model minority of law-abiding, hard-working people whose diligent children end up in high-tech jobs....
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Rosa-Maria Gelpi, Franois Julien-Labruyre, Mn Liam Gavin, Francois Julien-Labruyere The History of Consumer Credit: Doctrines and Practice
From the early forms of loans to farmers up to present day credit cards, consumer credit has always been part of human life; however, ever since the Bible, controversy has reigned as to its legitimacy. It is the history of this controversy that...
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Поиск книг в интернет магазинах.
Домой В. Г. Григорьянц. Антидиета. Правда о диетах и о том, как ими пользоваться
Бернар Лекаш. Радан Великолепный
Бесплатные объявления
Ужение монстров. Дайджест - программа о ловле особо крупных
Michael A. Bernstein. The Great Depression : Delayed Recovery and Economic Change
Андрей Серов. Ломать - не строить: инструкция по развалу бизнеса