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Anthony Shoult, Anthony Shoult Doing Business with Saudi Arabia (2nd Ed.)
Saudi Arabia now has a population of some 20 million and, with its Gulf Cooperation Council neighbors, provides a market of over 40 million. Despite recent events, the stability Saudi Arabia offers is a considerable attraction to potential...
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Scn Education B. V., Scn Education Bv Asp - Application Service Providing: The Ultimate Guide to Hiring Rather Than Buying Applications (Hott Guide)
How can you use ASPs for your business? This HOTT Guide Special helps you to get the best out of ASP for your company. It provides practical information as well as market guidance and validation, to help you understand buyer demand and requirements,...
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James L. Ritchie-Dunham, Hal T. Rabbino Managing from Clarity: Identifying, Aligning and Leveraging Strategic Resources
Most organizations can't execute strategy. Complexity is their enemy. A shared model (vision) of the strategy is the best way to cut through complexity. Unfortunately, developing clear and compelling visions to guide organizations is an art mastered...
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Thomas J. Peters, Robert H. Waterman In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's Best-Run Companies (Collins Business Essentials)
The "Greatest Business Book of All Time" (Bloomsbury UK), In Search of Excellence has long been a must-have for the boardroom, business school, and bedside table. Based on a study of forty-three of America's best-run companies from...
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С. С. Ольденбург Царствование императора Николая II
Эта книга оставляет "за кадром" последние, трагические дни царской семьи, но последовательно, страница за страницей, подводит современного читателя к осознанию своей личной ответственности за случившееся в те далекие дни. Такой "неправомерный" счет...
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