James Smith Pierce

From Abacus to Zeus: A Handbook of Art History, Seventh Edition

Book DescriptionDesigned as a comprehensive supplement to Janson's History of Art, Sixth Edition, Hartt's Art, Fourth Edition, Gardner's Art Through the Ages, Eleventh Edition, and Stokstad's Art History (Revised)...

Jonathan P. Binstock

Sam Gilliam : A Retrospective

Book DescriptionIn 1968 Sam Gilliam made an indelible impression on the history of art when he jettisoned the wooden stretcher bars that had previously determined the shape of his paintings and allowed his vivid, sometimes ecstatic, rushes of...

Hal Colebatch

Man-Kzin Wars X : The Wunder War (Man-Kzin Wars)

Book DescriptionThe first colonists from Earth named the planet Wunderland. Generations later, the felinoid alien invaders called Kzin came and turned it into a hell for humans. Touched on in other accounts of the Man-Kzin wars, here for the first...

Joan Retallack

Poethical Wager

Book DescriptionIn these highly inventive essays, Joan Retallack, acclaimed poet and essayist, conveys her unique post-utopian vision as she explores the relationship between art and life in today's chaotic world. In the tradition of the essay as...

Origami Fairy Tale Pack

Book DescriptionHeian's origami fairy tale series is now in a beautifully designed gift pack, including: * four books * 60 sheets of colorful, non-toxic origami paper Each book tells a story and demonstrates how to create six origami figures from...

<<<  Джин М. Ауэл. Клан пещерного медведя             Anthony Shoult, Anthony Shoult. Doing Business with ... >>>

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