Quotable Opera: Aria Ready for a Laugh? (Quotable Books)

Book DescriptionWhat they said when they were not singing. Here are hundreds of quotes that highlight the wit, wisdom and lunacy of the opera world. Luminaries Verdi, Puccini, Wagner, Caruso, Ruffo, Chaliapin, Melba, Sills, Callas, Toscanini,...

Mark Pedelty

Musical Ritual in Mexico City : From the Aztec to NAFTA

Book DescriptionOn the Zocalo, the main square of Mexico City, Mexico's entire musical history is performed every day. "Mexica" percussionists drum and dance to the music of Aztec rituals on the open plaza. Inside the Metropolitan Cathedral,...

Staton Rabin

Black Powder

Book Description South Central Los Angeles, 2010 Fourteen-year-old Langston Davis's best friend, Neely, has been shot and killed in a gang fight. Langston wishes that he could turn back the clock. But he knows you...

Virgil's Georgics (The Yale New Classics Series)

Book Description Virgil’s Georgics is a paean to the earth and all that grows and grazes there. It is an ancient work, yet one that speaks to our times as powerfully as it did to the poet’s. This unmatched translation presents...

Charles P. Mitchell

The Great Composers Portrayed on Film, 1913 Through 2002

Book DescriptionThis book is a comprehensive filmography of biographical films featuring the lives of the great classical composers, including any figures whose music is likely to be performed in the concert hall or opera stage. A few of the...

<<<  Madan Birla. FedEx Delivers : How the World's Leading Shipping ...             Anthony Shoult, Anthony Shoult. Doing Business with ... >>>

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