Pablo Neruda

The Captain's Verses

Book Description New Directions celebrates the Pablo Neruda Centennial. In celebration of the 100th anniversary of Pablo Neruda's birth, New Directions is pleased to announce the reissue of a classic work in a timeless translation by Donald...

Courtney Angela Brkic

Stillness: And Other Stories

Book Description A brave and unnerving debut collection about life in wartime In 1991 a war began in Yugoslavia that would last four years and claim more than a quarter of a million lives. In her harrowing fiction debut, Courtney...

Michel Faber

The Courage Consort

Amazon.comAdmirers of Belgian writer Michel Faber's magnificent breakthrough novel, The Crimson Petal and the White , may be surprised by how well his taut but unhurried prose translates to shorter fiction in the three novellas of The...

Icon Health Publications

The Official Patient's Sourcebook on Diabetes Insipidus: Directory for the Internet Age

Download DescriptionThis book has been created for patients who have decided to make education and research an integral part of the treatment process. Although it also gives information useful to doctors, caregivers and other health professionals,...

А. А. Гозенпуд

Дом Энгельгардта. Из истории концертной жизни Петербурга первой половины XIX века

Одним из центров музыкальной жизни Петербурга 30-40-х годов прошлого века был дом на Невском проспекте, 30, принадлежавший приятелю А.С.Пушкина В.В.Энгельгардту. В этом доме был прекрасный по акустике и убранству зал. Здесь выступали Дж.Фильд,...

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