Karen Ginsburg Wood

Don't Sabotage Your Success! Make Office Politics Work

If I am accomplishing my objectives...why am I not succeeding in my career? Most people believe that if they just do an outstanding job they will impress their superiors and through osmosis they will enjoy a strong secure relationship. This...

Susan E. Squires, Cynthia Smith, Lorna McDougall, William R. Yeack

Inside Arthur Andersen: Shifting Values, Unexpected Consequences

Preface The fall of Arthur Andersen-;one of the five largest accounting firms in the world-;was as much a shock to its 85,000 worldwide employees as it was to the business community and the general public. Except for the Enron engagement team, those...

Ralph David Simpson, Norman L., Jr Christensen, R. David Simpson

Ecosystem Function & Human Activities: Reconciling Economics and Ecology

This innovative book examines a problem of growing concern and importance: obtaining accurate estimates of the ecological costs of human activities. The book covers a wide range of subjects, from the management and function of ecosystems to...

John Adamson

The Legal Environment: Essentials for the Successful Professional

Law for Business and Personal Use 15E maintains a fundamental emphasis on business law, while introducing personal law topics that interest students. Give your students the most comprehensive coverage of contracts, ethics, employment law, credit,...

Thomas R. Leinbach, Stanley D. Brunn

The Worlds of Electronic Commerce

Electronic Commerce is a rapidly expanding field where technology and information are enhancing business practices. New and multiple uses of E-Commerce are appearing regularly and the cultural, social and political ramifications of these...

<<<  Вл. И. Немирович-Данченко. Вл. И. Немирович-Данченко. ...             Эрнест Хемингуэй. По ком звонит колокол >>>

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