Donna Deeprose

Smart Things to Know About Culture (Smart Things to Know About (Stay Smart!) Series)

Organizational culture is an intangible, yet it can be as pervasive and valuable as any other company asset. Culture influences the dynamics within teams and between individuals, the way business is conducted with suppliers, the public face of the...

M. Fogiel

REA's Handbook of English Grammar, Style, and Writing

This easy-to-understand, straightforward English handbook does not use the hard-to-understand technical jargon usually found in English grammar books. Instead, this handbook provides hundreds of examples from which it is possible to easily see what...

Steve McConnell

Professional Software Development: Shorter Schedules, Higher Quality Products, More Successful Projects, Enhanced Careers

1st edition...

Robert W. Bly

Business To Business Direct Marketing

"Good business-to-business direct marketing is no accident. The second edition of Bob Bly's book helps direct marketers of all experience levels eliminate guesswork. This book belongs on the bookshelf of every direct marketer. Unlike other books,...

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