7 Money Mantras for a Richer Life : How to Live Well with the Money You Have

The best financial planner Michelle Singletary ever knew was Big Mama, her grandmother. Big Mama raised Michelle and her four brothers and sisters on a salary that never reached more than $13,000 a year. Yet at her death, Big Mama owned her own...

Christina D. Rizzo

Uniform Billing: A Guide to Claims Processing

Is a comprehensive learning tool for processing insurance claim forms for inpatient and outpatient services for acute, subacute, long-term care, specialty and clinic facilities using the Uniform Bill 92 or UP-92 (HCFA-1450 form). (inpatient and...

Gayle H. Gregory, Carolyn Chapman

Differentiated Instructional Strategies: One Size Doesn't Fit All

Teachers can use the practical process outlined in this book to adjust learning based on individual students? knowledge, skills, experience, preferences, and needs to help every student in the classroom...

Randi Stone

What?! Another New Mandate?: What Award Winning Teachers Do When School Rules Change

This dynamic resource demonstrates how imaginative teachers adjust to changes in today?s classroom. ...


Professional MITA: Solutions & Tools

Mobility and the Internet will be smoothly unified in Mobile World. This means solid integration of many existing technologies using thorough understanding of mobility and the unique characteristics of mobile business. It is also necessary to create...

<<<  Mark Beck, Shelley Hess, Erica Miller, Mark ...             When We Were Young: New Perspectives on the Art of the Child. ... >>>

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