Margret Fine-Davis

Fathers and Mothers: Dilemmas of the Work-Life Balance : A Comparative Study in Four European Countries (Social Indicators Research Series)

Book DescriptionThis book presents a comparative analysis of the dilemmas faced by working parents with young children in four European countries - France, Italy, Ireland and Denmark - each of which represents a different "experience" of the...

Charles P. Cullinan

Cases from the SEC Files: Topics in Auditing

Book Description This casebook consists of 26 cases excerpted from the SEC Enforcement Division's releases for false and misleading financial statements, each containing valuable lessons to be learned about the possibility of financial statement...

Critical Management Studies: A Reader (Oxford Management Readers)

Book Description'Critical Management Studies' or 'CMS' has emerged over the last ten years as the term to describe a diverse group of work that has adopted a critical or questioning approach to the traditional concerns of management studies. In...

Florence Whyard

Ernie Boffa: Canadian Bush Pilot

Book DescriptionOriginally published in 1984 by Alaska Northwest Books(r), this fascinating book about one of Canada's best-known northern pilots is back in print! Bush pilot Ernie J. Boffa was inducted into Canada's Aviation Hall of Fame at...

Garry Wills

Saint Augustine's Sin (Augustine, Confessiones. Bk. 3.)

Amazon.comGarry Wills--Latin scholar, liberal Catholic apologist, historian, award-winning Augustine biographer, and Pulitzer Prize-winning author--is certainly one of the best qualified translators in America to render Saint Augustine's ...

<<<  Кирпичный загородный дом. В справочнике подробно изложены технологии ...             Hans Th. A. Bressers, Walter A. Rosenbaum. Achieving Sustainable ... >>>

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