Hans Th. A. Bressers, Walter A. Rosenbaum

Achieving Sustainable Development : The Challenge of Governance Across Social Scales

Bressers, Rosenbaum, and their contributors analyze what, until recently, has been among the least examined issues implicit in the growing global discourse about sustainable development: the creation of institutions and processes for effective...

David R. Laube, Raymond F. Zammuto

Business Driven Information Technology: Answers to 100 Critical Questions for Every Manager

Effectively aligning and using information technology to achieve business objectives is difficult because it requires many elements to be implemented properly. More than 60 business leaders and university faculty members have collaborated to bring...

Timothy M. Nolan, Leonard D. Goodstein, J. William Pfeiffer

Plan or Die! : 101 Keys to Organizational Success

This book explodes the myth that simply coping with unexpected change is effective for the long-term health of an organization. Through a series of parables that illustrate how things are not always as they appear, Plan or Die! clearly shows...

Max Edison

Financial Freedom Now

At this very moment your bank, your insurance company, your credit card issuer and other financial vampires are slowly, secretly driving you into debt with hidden fees, seemingly incosequential charges and blood-sucking interest rates. Now, Max...

Raymond A. Serway

College Physics, Volume 1

The main objectives of this introductory physics book are twofold: to provide the student with a clear and logical presentation of the basic concepts and principles of physics, and to strengthen an understanding of the concepts and principles...

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Владислав Крапивин. Застава на Якорном поле П. Ч. Тун, Х. Д. Р. Бейкер. Китайский за три месяца Галина Ветрова. Сказка о сказочнике. Васнецов Вакансии Ливе Поиск мета Корбина МСН Работа L.M. Montgomery. Anne of Green Gables My First Classics (My First DUNN/FASSBAENDER/R. MAHL:DAS KLAGENDE. Исполнитель: DUNN/FASSBAENDER/R Альбом: Компьютерные новости Грэм Грин. Английский язык с Г. Грином. Третий Iver Wahl. Building Anatomy Лейл Лаундес. Как говорить с кем угодно и о Транслит Wireless Communications and Mobile Commerce. Погода
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