Roxanna Ryder

Chasing the King

Mark Templer, novelist and musician, eagerly accepts the commission to write a biography of Arthur Pelham, the world's greatest rock guitarist, recently killed in a motorcycle accident. Arthur was Mark's hero, but as Arthur's closest friend tells...

Graham Blackburn

The Illustrated Book of Housebuilding and Carpentry

Book DescriptionWith a combined total of over 100,000 copies in print since their separate editions were first published, Graham Blackburn's Illustrated Housebuilding and Illustrated Interior Carpentry are the undisputed classic guides for the...

George McKay

Circular Breathing : The Cultural Politics of Jazz in Britain

Book DescriptionIn Circular Breathing , George McKay, a leading chronicler of British countercultures, uncovers the often surprising ways that jazz has accompanied social change during a period of rapid transformation in Great Britain....

O'Donovan Rossa

Rossa's Recollections, 1838 to 1898 : Memoirs of an Irish Revolutionary

Book Description In this colorful, detailed account, nineteenth-century Irish patriot and revolutionary Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa describes his life's experiences, tracing his early boyhood growing up on his grandfather's farm in Renascreena, his...

Hypericum: The genus Hypericum

Book DescriptionSt John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) is one of the best-selling herbal medicines worldwide. It is therefore understandable that research into all aspects of St John's wort continues to be intense. This landmark book provides a...

<<<  Ian Lerche. Economics of Petroleum Production, Vol. 2: Value and Worth             Мэри Элизабет Брэддон. Тайна фамильных бриллиантов >>>

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