Amy Gillett

Speak English Like an American

If you already speak English, but now would like to start speaking even better, then Speak English Like an American is for you. This book and CD set is designed to help native speakers of any language speak better English. Over 300 of the most-used...

Lawrence, M.D. Broxmeyer

AIDS: What the Discoverers of HIV Never Admitted

Book DescriptionOnce upon a time, a small group of politically powerful scientists rammed a flawed theory on the origin and cause of AIDS down America?s and then the world?s throat. Yet we are still led to believe that we are fortunate...

D. Harlan Wilson

Stranger on the Loose

Book DescriptionIn this collection of stories, D. Harlan Wilson deconditions the boundaries of reality with the same offbeat methodology that energized his first book The Kafka Effekt. Stranger on the Loose is an absurdist account of urban and...

Wade G. Dudley

Drake: For God, Queen, and Plunder (Brassey's Military Profiles)

Book DescriptionPresents a volume in Brassey?s new "Military Profiles" series Depicts the dramatic life of one of England?s earliest naval heroes Chronicles the origins of British naval supremacy In 1588, King Philip II of...

Адриана Триджиани

Лючия, Лючия

Это история о Нью-Йорке 1950-х, о девушках, чьи "перчатки, как ночь, - становятся все длиннее". Лючия Сартори, красавица дочь преуспевающего бакалейщика итальянского происхождения, устраивается на работу помощницей модельера в роскошный магазин...

<<<  Manhattan : An Island in Focus. Book Description New York has never been ...             Hans Th. A. Bressers, Walter A. Rosenbaum. Achieving Sustainable ... >>>

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