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Jon Canfield, Tim Grey, Tim Gray Photo Finish: The Digital Photographer's Guide to Printing, Showing, and Selling Images
If you've ever been overwhelmed by the complexities of optimizing images for output, this results-oriented guide will clear everything up. Photo Finish: The Digital Photographer's Guide to Printing, Showing, and Selling Images shows you how to...
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Margaret J.A. Edwards The Internet for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals
New and expanded to reflect changes on the Internet, especially the explosive growth of the World Wide Web, this best-selling book is primer to the Internet for those who have little or no computer experience and a time-saving guide to resources for...
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Renet L. Bender, William N. Bender Computer-Assisted Instruction for Students at Risk for ADHD, Mild Disabilities, or Academic Problems
B> The goal of this book is to help teachers fully integrate the use of computers into their classrooms. Throughout , the authors concentrate on the teaching tools and educational opportunities computers offer, particularly in...
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Gunnar Heine GPRS Signaling and Protocol Analysis: Volume 1: RAN and Mobile Station
Some of your questions that will be answered by this book: - How can I evaluate GPRS recording files on the various new interfaces (Gb, Gn Gp) and on the Abis-lnterface? - What is the meaning of the various new parameters,...
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Mary Alice Eisch, Kathy Krueger Mary Alice Eisch Microsoft Publisher 2000 QuickTorial
This QuickTorial provides a quick introduction for beginning users of Microsoft Publisher 2000. This self-paced, self-instructional guide provides students with all the instruction necessary to become a proficient user of this leading desktop...
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M. C. Beaton. Death of a Village
Ж. Даламбер. Динамика
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Е. А. Воронова. Патриотическое воспитание в современной школе. Программы,
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Michael H. Lane. Customs Modernization and the
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Marshall C. Eakin. Tropical Capitalism: The Industrialization of Belo Horizonte,
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