
Batman: War Games, Act 2

The middle act of the cataclysmic story that alters Batmans world forever! In this second volume the truth behind the criminal activity is revealed, one of Batmans agents is beaten, another killed and a new player emerges on the sceneone assumed...

Christina Scull, Wayne G. Hammond

The J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide, Volume 1: Chronology

Designed to be the essential reference works for all readers and students, these volumes present the most thorough analysis possible of Tolkien's work within the important context of his life. The Reader's Guide includes brief but comprehensive...

The Medieval Author in Medieval French Literature (Studies in Arthurian and Courtly Cultures)

In medieval French literature there are no Authors, only authors--and enigmas. Is the medieval author a name or a function, an authority or an image? The way we answer questions shapes how we think about names such as Jean de Meun and Guillaume de...

Elizabeth Siegel

Photo Respiration: Tokihiro Sato Photographs

Photographer Tokihiro Sato (b. 1957), along with contemporaries Toshio Shibata and Naoya Hatakeyama, focuses on the shifting landscape of Modern Japan. Using a 8 x 10 inch camera fitted with a darkening filter, Sato creates lengthy exposures in...

Линь-цзи лу

Настоящий том объединяет два важных памятника китайской письменной культуры — так называемые юйлу, записи бесед величайших чаньских наставников: `Линь цзи лу` Линь-цзи И-сюаня (XI в.), `китайского Сократа`, и `Пан цзюй ши юй лу` Пан Юня. Памятники...

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