Роберт Паркер

Великие вина и лучшие винные хозяйства мира

"Я бы назвал эту книгу рассказом о виноделах; о виноделах-художниках, о виноделах-ремесленниках, о виноделах-революционерах и виноделах-консерваторах, которых объединяет одна очень важная черта - все они безоговорочно преданы идее достижения...

Time And Place: The Geohistory Of Art (Histories of Vision)


Venice Sketchbook (Sketchbook Series)

Venice is seen through the eyes of artist Fabrice Moireau, with sketches in watercolor and pencil. This resident of the world's most romantic city is the perfect guide to its streets, monuments, gardens and delightfully hidden corners....

Peter David

Writing for Comics With Peter David

The ultimate guide for anyone who wants to write dynamic comics, Writing for Comics With Peter David teaches readers how to create comics from start to finish. This essential guide: -Provides easy-to-understand guidance for beginners, as well as...

Howard Schatz

In Character: Actors Acting

IN CHARACTER portrays well-known actors assuming a variety of roles, accompanied by their comments on the art of acting, by critically acclaimed photographer, Howard Schatz....

<<<  А. Михальский. Маркетинговый план своими силами (+ CD-ROM)             Л. Е. Лопатина. Краткий орфографический словарь >>>

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