Pfeiffer & Company

Addressing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, Tina Carlan Activity (Sexual Harrassment)

This complete program gives you the tools to discuss sexual harassment and help every organizational member recognize it, respond appropriately, and prevent it from happening. The trainer's package includes: a trainer's guide, 3 experiential...

Lois White, Lois, Ph.D. White

Career Success in Nursing

Developed specifically for those nurses who are thinking about getting their first job or changing jobs in nursing. Providing many resume writing tips, sample resumes, interviewing strategies and work transition readings, this is a book no...

Robert B. Walford

Business Process Implementation for IT Professionals and Managers

From process definition... to software deployment... This unique book is the first to provide a comprehensive method for implementing and maintaining business processes that help IT professionals and software engineers improve software quality,...

W. P. Gothard, Phil Mignot, Marcus Offer, Melvyn Ruff, Bill Gothard

Career Guidance in Context

Helping others to make occupational choices requires a combination of skill and a deep understanding of the world of work as it is today and will be in the future. Unlike texts, which focus only on skill, Careers Guidance in Context is...

Leslie Elliott Armijo

Financial Globalization and Democracy in Emerging Markets (International Political Economy)

When Mexico's peso crisis occurred in December 1994, all of Latin America experienced the "tequila effect." In January 1998, after seven months of financial turmoil in East Asia, Alan Greenspan, the normally reticent Chairman of the US Federal...

<<<  Paul Klebnikov. Godfather of the Kremlin: The Decline of Russia ...             Роберт Паркер. Великие вина и лучшие винные хозяйства мира >>>

Поиск книг в интернет магазинах.

Grimoire de Solace Volume 2: Milking Blood Мари-Кристин Озу, Сабина Мельшиор-Боннэ. История прически DIVINE COMEDY, THE. ABSENT FRIENDS. Исполнитель: DIVINE COMEDY, Футбол Новости Счетчик Игры Одноклассники Екатерина Вильмонт. Хочу бабу на роликах! Работа Patrick M. Lencioni. The Five Dysfunctions J. David Viale. Basics of Inventory Management: Психология управления. Конспект лекций. Каталог софта Б. А. Райзберг. Психология в экономике и управлении Российская газета Поиск мета Классика. Гершвин / Равель / Сен-Санс / Дворжак (mp3).
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