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Jerome S. Arcaro Quality in Education: An Implementation Handbook
Although hundreds of school improvement programs have been launched in the United States over the past quarter century, very few of them have been successful. The author of Quality in Education: An Implementation Handbook, an experienced quality...
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Paul Anand Foundations of Rational Choice Under Risk
Paul Anand describes and evaluates many existing criticisms of the formal theory of rationality and subjective expected utility (SEU) theory. He tests the logical and philosophical basis for basing rational choice on SEU and argues that,...
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Jack D. Howell, Jr Jack D. Howell Fundamentals of Investments In U.S. Financial Markets
This book is the only one of its kind. It provides very detailed investment education for the novice as well as the more experienced investor. It first provides a thorough examination of the primary investment vehicles, (ie. Stocks, bonds, mutual...
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Marko Nordquist Towards Improved Security Management Practice: Designing an Organizational Model Procedure for the Implementation of Information Security Management in Heterogeneous Information Management
Management attention is essential and extremely important to successful Security-Management Practice. This statement is the fundament to the thesis of Dr. Marko Nordquist. Growth of personal computing, Internet and even more complex enterprise...
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Getting Attention, Leading-Edge Lessons for Publicity and Marketing
Getting Attention: Leading-Edge Lessons for Publicity and Marketing is a savvy and innovative guide to getting your message heard in today's dynamic and noisy markets. It's an insider's look at what works and what doesn't in the fast-paced,...
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