Jerry N. Luftman

Competing in the Information Age: Align in the Sand

Most managers realize that information is among their company's most important assets. However, many don't know how to leverage their investments in information technology. Often, says Jerry N. Luftman, companies...

Wagdy M. Abdallah

Critical Concerns in Transfer Pricing and Practice

For multinational corporations (MNCs), there is arguably no more important operational function that affects all areas of manufacturing, marketing, management, and finance as international transfer pricing--the practicing of supplying products or...

Lorna Tedder

Advanced Book Promotion for the Shameless

Advanced book promotion and marketing techniques for penny-pinching authors. Includes a special bonus section on Internet marketing....

Tomasz Muldner, Tomasz Muldner

C for Java Programmers

With C for Java Programmers, Tomasz Mldner adopts an innovative approach to teaching modern ANSI C techniques to readers already familiar with Java concepts. He takes advantage of the techniques and underlying design principles present in...

Jay Liebowitz, Christine Letsky

Developing Your First Expert System: An Interactive Tutorial on CD-ROM

An Interactive Tutorial on CD-ROM takes full advantage of today's interactive multimedia technology to deliver a complete course on expert systems development, from definitions and background information, to hands-on help in applying concepts...

<<<  Alex Cukierman. Central Bank Strategy, Credibility, and ...             Дэниэл Т. Банах, Трэвис Джонс, Алан Дж. Каламейя. Autodesk Inventor (+ CD-ROM) >>>

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