Scott Besley, Eugene F. Brigham

Essentials of Managerial Finance

Trust the book that has already helped hundreds of thousands of students like you understand the importance of managerial finance theory and the practical impact these principles have on business today. This leading ESSENTIALS OF MANAGERIAL...

Пушкин в печати за сто лет. 1837 - 1937

Москва, 1938 год. Государственное социально-экономическое издательство СОЦЭКГИЗ. Издательская обложка. Сохранность хорошая. Работа К.П.Богаевской "Пушкин в печати за сто лет (1837—1937)" ставит своей задачей дать исчерпывающий указатель всех...

Luis Fernando Charry

Los ninos suicidias (Villegas Novela)

Lost in life, the young protagonists Sara and MatA­as spend their days drifting and challenging the stability of their comfortable existences. They question the conventions of society with their precocious intellects, their last bastion of...

The Education Of A Comics Artist

This provocative anthology provides inspiration on how to teach, think, and talk about comics in the classroom and beyond. Featuring essays by, and interviews with, more than sixty professionals, educators, and critics, the book provides an in-depth...

Lars Morell

The Works of per Kirkeby

The expressionist, Per Kirkeby (b. 1938) is one of Denmark's greatest living artists. His works can be seen in the Fine Arts Museum, San Francisco, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Ackland Art Museum at the University of North Carolina, and...

<<<  Мейер С.. Некрасивая красавица             Ian Moffatt, Nick Hanley, M. Wilson, I. ... >>>

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