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Ian Moffatt, Nick Hanley, M. Wilson, I. Moffatt, Mike D. Wilson, N. Hanley Measuring and Modelling Sustainable Development
This is a graduate-level reference documenting the results of two years of research into sustainable development in Scotland, supported by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Global Environmental Change Programme (GEC). Written for a...
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Phil Gurian, Phil H. Gurian, Tim Reilly Electronic Account Executives ; Making Money in the 21st century
If you have only limited knowledge of e-mail and/or the Internet, after reading this book, we're confident that you'll be an intermediate level Internet user. This book extensively describes how to use the Internet in dozens of business related...
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Peter Ratner 3-D Human Modeling and Animation (+ CD-ROM)
All the tools and know-how to create digital characters that can move, express emotions, and talk. 3-D Human Modeling and Animation demonstrates how you can use your artistic skills in figure drawing, painting, and sculpture to...
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Ftrtft 200, Mathai Joseph, M. Joseph Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems: 6th International Symposium, Ftrtft 2000, Pune, India, September 20-22, 2000 : Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1926)
This is a collection of papers from the Symposium on Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems held at the University of Warwick on 22-23 September 1988. The papers cover a variety of subjects in these areas and illustrate different...
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Cordelia Hall, John O'Donnell Discrete Mathematics Using a Computer
This volume offers a new, "hands-on" approach to teaching Discrete Mathematics. A simple functional language is used to allow students to experiment with mathematical notations which are traditionally difficult to pick up. This practical approach...
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Chris Weston. The PIP Expanded Guide to the Nikon F5 (New Revised
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Ron Butlin. Vivaldi and the Number 3
Блаженные Санкт-Петербурга. В этой книге, значительно дополненной по сравнению
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Lisa Kanarek. 101 Home Office Success Secrets