Mark Blaug

Great Economists since Keynes: An Introduction to the Lives and Works of

What is James Tobin's main contribution? What is Arrow's impossibility theorem? Which economists have made the most significant contribution to rational expectations? These and countless other questions are resolved in this eloquently written...

Michael Carroll

Workplace Counselling: A Systematic Approach to Employee Care

`An invaluable resource book for anyone (counsellors, EAP providers and companies) involved in workplace counselling. Helpful and informative, it is set to become a classic text in its field' - Counselling, The Journal of the British...

Cathy L. McHugh

Mill Family: The Labor System in the Southern Cotton Textile Industry, 1880-1915

The growing cotton textile industry of the postbellum South required a stable and reliable work force made up of laborers with varied skills. At the same time, Southern agriculture was in a depressed state. Families, especially those with many...

Asbjor Rodseth

Open Economy Macroeconomics

Professor Rodseth provides a broad survey of open economy macroeconomics within a unified framework. This upper-level book reviews the theories employed by ministries of finance, central banks and financial institutions that form the basis for...

Richard Herring, Global Interdependence Center, Group of Thirty, Wharton School

Managing International Risk: Essays Commissioned in Honor of the Centenary of Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

The point of departure for this book is the fundamental assertion that managers of international enterprises must cope not only with the hazards that jeopardize the success of ordinary domestic transactions but also with additional perils that are...

<<<  Иван Гончаров. Обыкновенная история             Ian Moffatt, Nick Hanley, M. Wilson, I. ... >>>

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Российская газета Билайн Pink. Live in Europe. Tracklist: 01. Intro/Can't Take Me Home Транслит Кабацкий завсегдатай. Новейшее Собрание Неизданных С. Д. Смирнов. Педагогика и психология высшего образования. Наталья Солнцева. Сады Кассандры. Кольцо Гекаты Lise Funderburg. The Color Purple: A Memory Book Счетчик Вики Игры Г. И. Грановская. Simple English: Grammar and Exercises О. С. Орлова. Нарушения голоса у детей Основы философии. Эта книга универсальна: Диана Хорсанд. Детское воровство. Где мое и где чужое?
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