Leopoldo Brandt Graterol

Evaluating Web Sites for Legal Compliance: Basics for Web Site Legal Auditing : Basics for Web Site Legal Auditing

Book DescriptionThe authors explore the need for a basic legal framework for analyzing Web pages (the fundamental structure of the Web) and describe a systematic but flexible legal auditing tool for accomplishing such an analysis....

Anthony Cordesman

Energy Developments in the Middle East

Book DescriptionThe Middle Eastern and North African region (MENA) dominates world energy exports today and will likely do so for decades to come, even if world consumers make steady progress in conservation, renewable energy sources, and increases...

The Origins Of L?art Nouveau: The Bing Empire

Book DescriptionA commissioned title, published by Van Gogh Museum/Musee des Arts decoratifs/Mercatorfonds The grand opening in 1895 of Siegfried Bing?s gallery, "L?Art Nouveau," was a major event on the Parisian calendar....

Wesley Britton

Beyond Bond : Spies in Fiction and Film

Book DescriptionAt a time when the methods and purposes of intelligence agencies are under a great deal of scrutiny, author Wesley Britton offers an unprecedented look at their fictional counterparts. In Beyond Bond: Spies in Film and Fiction,...

T. Whiteowl

Tiger Swallowtale

Book Description Tiger Swallowtale,/I> is a Science Fiction/Fantasy novel of the Planet Earth (dirt) that began 5000 years ago somewhere else. This story takes you from before the pyramids were built in Egypt and/or the Americas to the...

<<<  Библия (подарочное издание). Издание в кожаном тисненом переплете ручной работы ...             Robert P. Miles, Tom Osborne. The Warren Buffett CEO: Secrets of the ... >>>

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