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Richard K. Lester The Productive Edge: How U.S. Industries Are Pointing the Way to a New Era of Economic Growth
Case studies of U.S. industrial performance show how recent gains in productivity in key sectors can serve as models for renewed growth in the economy as a whole. Compared to the early years of this decade, when concerns about the global...
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Morris B. Rotman, Luisa Gerasimo, Robert W. Galvin Opportunities in Public Relations Careers (Vgm Opportunities Series)
This series represents the best and most comprehensive source of basic information on careers! Each 160-page guide offers in-depth information on the size and scope, opportunities and limitations of a career field, salary, trends, long-term job...
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Jeff Johnson GUI Bloopers: Don'ts and Do's for Software Developers and Web Designers
GUI Bloopers looks at user interface design bloopers from commercial software, Web sites, and information appliances, explaining how intelligent, well-intentioned professionals made these dreadful mistakes--and how you can avoid them. While...
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Julie Sussman Instructor's Manual t/a Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - 2nd Edition
This instructor's manual and reader's guide accompanies the second edition of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs , by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman with Julie Sussman. It contains discussions of exercises and other...
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Antony Bolante After Effects 6.5 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickPro Guide (Visual Quickpro Guide)
Tough motion-graphics and effects production challenges require bold solutions, and Adobe's completely overhauled After Effects 6.0 ($699, Standard Edition; $999, Professional Edition) has a bushel of them! Here to get you up to speed on...
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Поиск книг в интернет магазинах.
Домой Вики
Michael C. Walker. Marketing to Seniors
English 7 (2 аудиокассеты). Аудиоприложение к учебнику для 7
Топ майл.ру
Древний мир в иллюстрациях. Пособие "Древний мир в иллюстрациях"
Сюжеты, №11. Сборник театральных пьес.