Joseph J. Sweere

Golden Rules for Vibrant Health in Body, Mind, and Spirit: A Holistic Approach to Health and Wellness

Book DescriptionThe Golden Rule--doing unto others as you would have them do unto you--sets the tone for "The Golden Rules for Vibrant Health in Body, Mind, and Spirit," an expansive book of commonsense rules for a healthy life. Author Dr.Joseph...

Patricia J., Ph.D. Benjamin

Understanding Sports Massage

Book DescriptionThis text helps readers put theory into practice, first explaining the scientific underpinnings of sports massage and then describing in detail how to apply those concepts into a massage session....

Transformed by Crisis : The Presidency of George W. Bush and American Politics

Book Description The presidency of George W. Bush has been a curious one: born in contention, challenged by the most dramatic foreign directed attack on American soil, and transformed by a combination of crisis and conflict that has generated...

Jonathan Ames

Wake Up, Sir! : A Novel

Book Description Alan Blair, the hero of Wake Up, Sir! , is a young, loony writer with numerous problems of the mental, emotional, sexual, spiritual, and physical variety. He's very good at problems. But luckily for Alan, he has a personal...

Valencia R. Williams

The Hottest Summer Ever Known

Book DescriptionMeet Summer DeVyne Lewis, the bitter, sexy siren who finds love and adventure in wielding women's most powerful weapon to avenge her death ridden childhood. After a mysterious dream followed by a visit to the doctor, her life changes...

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